
A tool to debug unique identifiers. (UUID, ULID, Snowflake, etc)

cargo install uuinfo

uuinfo is a CLI tool for analyzing unique identifiers like UUIDs, ULIDs and Snowflake IDs. If you provide an ID, uuinfo tries to detect what ID it is based on its internal structure including timestamps, basic heuristics, length, nodes and sequences.


It supports a multitude of various ID formats and features like color-coded bit representation and outputting to the terminal, JSON or a binary representation of the identifier. You can also force format detection with the -f parameter, compare Snowflake ID variants and pipe input for batch processing.


This tool is useful for anyone interested in comparing and understanding different types of IDs they come across, particularly those who work in application security, distributed systems and databases where uuinfo would be effective in detecting these IDs.

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