

The ultra fast download utility.

apt-get install aria2

aria2 is a command-line (CLI) downloader similar to curl and wget, that supports HTTP(S), FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink protocols. It downloads files from multiple sources simultaneously, maximizing your bandwidth.


This tool has the ability to perform segmented downloading, resuming downloads, BitTorrent extensions like DHT and PEX support with chunk checksum validation and speed throttling. It also handles proxies, authentication, cookies, custom HTTP headers and aria2 optimizes your bandwidth by fetching a file from multiple sources simultaneously.


It also has support for a variety of environments and variables, as well as the capability for checksum validation, managing persistent connections and utilizing disk cache to reduce disk activity. It is a great alternative to curl and wget, if you are downloading and resuming large files or want torrent support and other protocols.

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