
A general purpose filesystem and disk-usage utility.

pacman -S erdtree

erdtree (also known as erd) is a cross-platform, multi-threaded filesystem and disk-usage utility. It reports disk usage in various metrics like bytes, blocks, words and lines. It supports hidden file and gitignore rules, regular expressions and glob-based searching.


This tool also features bash completion for the erd command, icon support, colorized output, granular sorting options, detailed file information and offers different layouts when listing files such as a reverse tree layout, tree-like output or du-like output.


erdtree combines features from many UNIX utilities like du, tree, find, wc and ls in addition to taking inspiration from existing newer Rust based tools such as exa / ezafd and dua. If you find yourself using multiple tools consecutively or need a single tool which outputs more disk usage and file information, erdtree is worth considering. 

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