Ncurses Terminal Tools
ncurses, is a C programming library, facilitates crafting text-based user interfaces within terminals, it is an extension of the original curses library.
It provides capabilities for handling windows, colors, and keyboard inputs, enabling intricate terminal-based interfaces.
Below are a list of terminal tools that developers use for developing TUIs with ncurses.
- astroterm - A terminal-based star map.
- bmon - Bandwidth monitor and rate estimator
- btop - A terminal monitor of resources.
- byobu - Text-based window manager and terminal multiplexer
- calcurse - A calendar and scheduling application for the command line.
- cava - Cross-platform Audio Visualizer for Alsa
- cgdb - A curses (terminal-based) interface to the GNU Debugger (GDB)
- cmus - Small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems.
- durdraw - Versatile ASCII and ANSI Art text editor for terminals.
- emacs - The extensible, customizable, free/libre display editor.
- fnc - interactive text-based user interface for Fossil
- glances - A cross platform top/htop alternative in python.
- goaccess - a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer.
- grv - A Git Repository Viewer.
- hnterm - Hacker News in the terminal.
- htop - An interactive process viewer.
- irssi - A well known cross-platform and famous IRC client
- lnav - An ncurses-based log file viewer for the terminal.
- lynx - A TUI based web browser.
- mc - Midnight Commander, a feature-rich visual file manager for the terminal.
- mdp - A command-line based markdown presentation tool
- moc - A music player with a terminal user interface (TUI)
- musikcube - A cross-platform terminal-based music player
- ncdu - A ncurses based disk usage analyzer
- ncspot - A cross-platform ncurses Spotify client.
- nemu - ncurses-based TUI for QEMU.
- newsboat - An open-source RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals
- nnn - The missing terminal file manager for X
- noping - A C library to generate ICMP echo requests with a visualization
- nvtop - NVIDIA GPUs htop like monitoring tool
- opencubicplayer - a text-based audio player with some few graphical views.
- sc-im - An ncurses spreadsheet program for terminal
- slurm - Realtime traffic statistics for network interfaces
- sntop - A simple network top for monitoring connectivity
- tig - Text-mode interface for git
- tmux - An open-source terminal multiplexer.
- toolong - A terminal application to view, tail, merge, and search log files (plus JSONL).
- ttyplot - A realtime terminal plotting utility with data input from stdin.
- typeinc - A cool ncurses based typing speed test tool.
- typespeed - Test your typing speed, and challenge your friends
- vim - The ubiquitous text editor
- w3m - A pager and/or text-based browser.
- weechat - The extensible chat client
- wiki-tui - A fast Wikipedia CLI/TUI client
- wordgrinder - A cross-platform word processor for the terminal
Know any Ncurses based terminal tools that would be good for this list?
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