Monitoring Terminal Tools
Monitoring ensures system stability, performance, server health and efficiency. Coupled with a terminal or web interface, it provides system administrators and developers with tracking live data of a system, which helps in detecting issues.
The family of 'top' tools are popular with developers, system administrators and devops engineers for monitoring their applications.
Below are a list of terminal tools that developers use for monitoring.
- adguardian-term - An AdGuard Home terminal monitoring tool.
- atop - An advanced interactive monitor for linux systems.
- bandwhich - Terminal bandwidth utilization tool
- bmon - Bandwidth monitor and rate estimator
- bottom - Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
- btop - A terminal monitor of resources.
- cointop - cryptocurrency tracking for hackers that like htop.
- ctop - A top-like interface for container metrics.
- dry - A Docker manager for the terminal.
- ducker - A slightly quackers Docker TUI.
- erldash - A simple, terminal-based Erlang dashboard.
- flameshow - A flamegraph viewer in the terminal.
- gdu - Pretty fast disk usage analyzer
- glances - A cross platform top/htop alternative in python.
- goaccess - a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer.
- gocker - TUI for Docker management.
- gotop - A terminal-based graphical activity monitor written in Go.
- gping - Ping, but with a graph.
- gtop - System monitoring dashboard for terminal.
- htop - An interactive process viewer.
- k9s - Kubernetes CLI and TUI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!
- kl - An interactive Kubernetes log viewer for your terminal.
- kmon - Linux Kernel Manager and Activity Monitor.
- logss - A simple cli for logs splitting.
- macmon - Sudoless performance monitoring for Apple Silicon processors.
- mitmproxy - A TLS/SSL-capable interception HTTP proxy.
- mqttui - A TUI tool to publish/subscribe MQTT messages from the terminal.
- neoss - User-friendly and detailed socket statistics with a TUI.
- netop - A network topology visualizer.
- netscanner - A network scanning tool.
- noping - A C library to generate ICMP echo requests with a visualization
- ntop - htop-like system-monitor for windows.
- nvitop - An interactive NVIDIA-GPU process viewer and beyond.
- nvtop - NVIDIA GPUs htop like monitoring tool
- oryx - A TUI for sniffing network traffic using eBPF on Linux.
- pctrl - A terminal-based process controller.
- pik - A TUI for interactively stopping processes.
- planor - A TUI client for cloud services for aws, vultr, heroku, etc.
- pocker - A TUI tool for Docker.
- procs - A modern replacement for ps written in Rust.
- pumas - Power Usage Monitor for Apple Silicon.
- pvw - A terminal-based (TUI) port viewer in Go
- s-tui - terminal-based CPU stress and monitoring utility.
- sake - A task runner for local and remote hosts.
- sampler - Visualization for any shell command.
- sen - Terminal User Interface for containers.
- slurm - Realtime traffic statistics for network interfaces
- sntop - A simple network top for monitoring connectivity
- systemctl-tui - A fast, simple TUI for interacting with systemd services and their logs.
- tcpterm - A terminal-based TCP dump viewer.
- tgt - A simple TUI for Telegram.
- tickrs - Realtime ticker data in your terminal
- tiptop - Command-line system monitoring
- tmux - An open-source terminal multiplexer.
- tproxy - A cli tool to proxy and analyze TCP connections.
- trippy - A TUI network diagnostics tool
- ttyplot - A realtime terminal plotting utility with data input from stdin.
- tufw - Terminal UI for ufw.
- updo - Uptime monitoring CLI tool with alerting and advanced settings.
- viddy - A modern watch command, time machine and pager.
- vtop - Wow such top. So stats. More better than regular top
- wg-cmd - TUI for managing WireGuard configuration files
- wtf - The personal information dashboard for your terminal.
- zenith - A terminal UI (TUI) for monitoring system resources
Know any Monitoring based terminal tools that would be good for this list?
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