Python Terminal Tools
- toolong - A terminal application to view, tail, merge, and search log files (plus JSONL).
- textual-paint - MS Paint in your terminal.
- youtube-dl - Download videos from YouTube and other video sites.
- pqviewer - View Apache Parquet Files In Your Terminal.
- braindrop - A terminal-based client for
- s-tui - terminal-based CPU stress and monitoring utility.
- aider - AI pair programming in your terminal
- snowmachine - Make it snow in the terminal!
- para-cada - Executes your command for each file selected using glob expression(s).
- mitmproxy - A TLS/SSL-capable interception HTTP proxy.
- pysentation - TUI for displaying Python presentations
- sshclick - Terminal based assisted management of your SSH config files.
- castero - A TUI podcast client for the terminal.
- calcure - Modern, customizable TUI calendar and task manager.
- posting - A powerful HTTP client that lives in your terminal.
- khal - A standards based CLI and terminal calendar program.
- buku - Personal mini-web in text
- ranger - A vim-inspired file manager for the console.
- tewi - Text-based interface for the Transmission BitTorrent daemon.
- tuptime - Like uptime(1), but preserves shutdown / restart stats.
- wut - A CLI that explains the output of your last command.
- harlequin - The SQL IDE for Your Terminal.
- rexi - A terminal UI for regex testing.
- isd - A keyboard-focused, highly customizable systemd units TUI.
- gri - manage git/gerrit change requests in the terminal.
- ktool - A TUI Mach-O/ObjC analysis and editing toolkit in the terminal.
- scli - simple terminal user interface (TUI) for Signal.
- nvitop - An interactive NVIDIA-GPU process viewer and beyond.
- toot - Interact with Mastodon directly in the terminal.
- elia - A TUI ChatGPT client built with Textual
- ssh-para - Parallel SSH jobs manager interactive CLI.
- sherlock - Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks.
- dotenvhub - A TUI to manage your .env files in the terminal.
- bkp - Utility that makes backups of your files/directories.
- bbcli - A TUI for accessing BBC News in the terminal.
- asciinema - A terminal session recorder.
- ddgr - DuckDuckGo from the terminal.
- recoverpy - A TUI to interactively recover overwritten or deleted data.
- terminaltexteffects - Inline Visual Effects in the Terminal.
- vignore - A powerful tool to visualize ignored files.
- hike - A Markdown browser for the terminal.
- pocker - A TUI tool for Docker.
- durdraw - Versatile ASCII and ANSI Art text editor for terminals.
- typeinc - A cool ncurses based typing speed test tool.
- httpstat - Visualizes curl(1) statistics in a way of beauty and clarity.
- visidata - A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data.
- pgtree - Unix process hierarchy tree for specific processes.
- spiel - Display richly-styled presentations using your terminal.
- tempy - A simple TUI for displaying the current weather in the terminal
- dunk - Prettier git diffs in the terminal 🎨
- kupo - A terminal file manager / browser, kupo!
- textual-astview - A Textual-based Python AST viewing widget library and application
- humble-explorer - cross-platform, command-line Bluetooth Low Energy scanner.
- frogmouth - A Markdown browser for your terminal
- tinboard - A terminal-based client for
- jc - A tool convert CLI output, files & strings to JSON/YAML.
- hexabyte - A modern, modular, and robust TUI hex editor.
- moneyterm - TUI expense and budget tracker.
- sen - Terminal User Interface for containers.
- logmerger - A utility to view multiple log files with merged timeline.
- flameshow - A flamegraph viewer in the terminal.
- kaskade - A text user interface (TUI) for Apache Kafka.
- papis - A powerful and highly extensible CLI document and bibliography manager.
- kb - A minimalist knowledge base manager.
- gpterminator - A TUI for OpenAI's ChatGPT
- tiptop - Command-line system monitoring
- gallery-dl - Download image galleries and collections from image hosting sites.
- rsyncy - A status/progress bar for rsync.
- procmux - A terminal multiplexer for processes.
- kanban-tui - A customizable task manager in the terminal.
- gocker - TUI for Docker management.
- hdf5_ui - A TUI for inspection of HDF5 files.
- dooit - A TUI todo manager for the terminal
- bagels - A powerful expense tracker that lives in your terminal.
- jellex - A TUI to filter JSON and JSON Lines data with Python syntax.
- browsr - A pleasant file explorer in your terminal supporting all filesystems.
- terraform-tui - A powerful terraform textual TUI.
- pingtop - Ping multiple servers and show the result in a top like terminal UI.
- dolphie - Realtime MySQL health monitoring in the terminal.
- fnug - Run all your lints, tests and commands at once, in the terminal.
- glances - A cross platform top/htop alternative in python.
- oterm - A text-based terminal client for ollama.
- yt-dlp - A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes.
Know a Python based terminal tool that would be good for this list?
Post a Tool here!