Other Terminal Tools

Below is a list of terminal tools which do not fit in any specific category and are tools that some may find interesting.

  1. adguardian-term - An AdGuard Home terminal monitoring tool.
  1. astroterm - A terminal-based star map.
  1. atuin - Sync, search and backup shell history.
  1. bacon - A background rust code checker.
  1. bagels - A powerful expense tracker that lives in your terminal.
  1. basilk - A TUI to manage your tasks with minimal kanban logic.
  1. bbcli - A TUI for accessing BBC News in the terminal.
  1. bkp - Utility that makes backups of your files/directories.
  1. blink - tiniest x86-64-linux emulator.
  1. braindrop - A terminal-based client for raindrop.io.
  1. broot - A new way to see and navigate directory trees.
  1. calcure - Modern, customizable TUI calendar and task manager.
  1. calcurse - A calendar and scheduling application for the command line.
  1. carbon-now-cli - generate beautiful images of your code from right inside your terminal.
  1. cargo-selector - Cargo subcommand to select and execute binary/example targets.
  1. carl - a cal(1) alternative calendar for the command-line.
  1. chmod-cli - effortlessly generate chmod commands.
  1. clipboard - Your new, ridonkulously smart clipboard manager.
  1. cointop - cryptocurrency tracking for hackers that like htop.
  1. cotp - trusted, encrypted, TOTP/HOTP authenticator with import functionality.
  1. cpufetch - Simple yet fancy CPU architecture fetching tool.
  1. crates-tui - A TUI for exploring crates.io
  1. cy - A time traveling terminal multiplexer.
  1. dijo - scriptable, curses-based, digital habit tracker.
  1. dra - A command line tool to download release assets from GitHub.
  1. drft - A diff re/viewer and file tree viewer.
  1. durdraw - Versatile ASCII and ANSI Art text editor for terminals.
  1. dusage - A command line disk usage information tool.
  1. fastfetch - Like neofetch, but much faster.
  1. flawz - A TUI for browsing CVE security vulnerabilities.
  1. fnm - fast and simple node.js version manager in rust.
  1. fx - command-line tool and terminal JSON viewer.
  1. fztea - A flipperzero remote control locally in the terminal and ssh.
  1. gallery-dl - Download image galleries and collections from image hosting sites.
  1. godap - A complete terminal user interface (TUI) for LDAP.
  1. gomi - Unix rm(1) command that can restore deleted files.
  1. gomuks - A terminal based Matrix client written in Go.
  1. gotz - A simple CLI timezone info tool.
  1. gowall - A CLI tool to convert an image to any color-scheme.
  1. gtrash - A featureful trash CLI manager.
  1. halp - A CLI tool to get help with CLI tools.
  1. has - Checks presence of various CLI tools and their versions on the path.
  1. hdf5_ui - A TUI for inspection of HDF5 files.
  1. hexpatch - A binary patcher and editor with a terminal user interface.
  1. hf - Cross-platform hidden file library and utility.
  1. hoard - A CLI command organizer tool to hoard all your precious commands.
  1. hours - no-frills time tracking toolkit for the command line.
  1. httm - Interactive, file-level Time Machine-like tool for ZFS/btrfs/nilfs2.
  1. hwatch - An alternative watch command.
  1. jc - A tool convert CLI output, files & strings to JSON/YAML.
  1. jira-cli - Interact with Jira in the Terminal with Jira CLI.
  1. jnv - Interactive JSON filter using jq.
  1. joshuto - ranger-like terminal file manager written in Rust.
  1. kanban-tui - A customizable task manager in the terminal.
  1. kb - A minimalist knowledge base manager.
  1. kbt - A keyboard tester in terminal.
  1. keep-alive - A lightweight, cross-platform utility to prevent your system from sleeping.
  1. keyb - Create and view custom hotkey cheatsheets in the terminal.
  1. khal - A standards based CLI and terminal calendar program.
  1. kupo - A terminal file manager / browser, kupo!
  1. lazynpm - A simple TUI for npm commands.
  1. lemmeknow - The fastest way to identify anything!
  1. lychee - A fast, async link checker written in Rust.
  1. mapscii - The whole world in your console.
  1. mise - The front-end to your dev env.
  1. moneyterm - TUI expense and budget tracker.
  1. monolith - A CLI tool for saving complete web pages as a single HTML file.
  1. nap - Code snippets in your terminal.
  1. navi - An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command line.
  1. neofetch - A command-line system information tool.
  1. nnn - The missing terminal file manager for X
  1. notox - No toxic names anymore.
  1. nvrs - Fast new version checker for software releases.
  1. octocov - A toolkit for collecting code metrics.
  1. omm - A keyboard-driven task manager for the terminal.
  1. onefetch - A command-line Git information tool.
  1. otti - one-time TUI password manager for the terminal.
  1. papis - A powerful and highly extensible CLI document and bibliography manager.
  1. pastel - Generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors.
  1. phetch - A terminal client designed to help you quickly navigate the gophersphere.
  1. portal - A quick and easy command-line file transfer utility.
  1. presenterm - A TUI markdown terminal slideshow tool.
  1. pueue - Manage your shell commands.
  1. pumas - Power Usage Monitor for Apple Silicon.
  1. pysentation - TUI for displaying Python presentations
  1. qrc - A QR code generator for text terminals.
  1. qrtool - A utility for encoding or decoding QR codes.
  1. ranger - A vim-inspired file manager for the console.
  1. recoverpy - A TUI to interactively recover overwritten or deleted data.
  1. rsyncy - A status/progress bar for rsync.
  1. rucola - A terminal based markdown note manager.
  1. scc - A very fast accurate code counter with complexity calculations.
  1. servitor - A fediverse client with a terminal interface
  1. silicon - create beautiful image of your source code.
  1. slides - A terminal based presentation tool
  1. spiel - Display richly-styled presentations using your terminal.
  1. stew - An independent package manager for compiled binaries.
  1. sttr - A CLI/TUI tool to perform 30+ string transformations on text.
  1. sunbeam - A general purpose command-line launcher.
  1. tabiew - A lightweight TUI application to view and query tabular data files.
  1. tealdeer - A very fast implementation of tldr in Rust.
  1. termdbms - A terminal UI for editing database files
  1. terminaltexteffects - Inline Visual Effects in the Terminal.
  1. tewi - Text-based interface for the Transmission BitTorrent daemon.
  1. textual-paint - MS Paint in your terminal.
  1. tgt - A simple TUI for Telegram.
  1. tokei - Count your code, quickly.
  1. toolong - A terminal application to view, tail, merge, and search log files (plus JSONL).
  1. tui-journal - Your journal app if you live in a terminal.
  1. tuime - A colorful and customizable TUI clock written in Rust.
  1. tukai - Terminal based touch typing application.
  1. tuptime - Like uptime(1), but preserves shutdown / restart stats.
  1. typioca - Cozy typing speed tester in terminal.
  1. tz - A terminal based timezone helper
  1. tzupdate - Set the system timezone based on IP geolocation.
  1. viddy - A modern watch command, time machine and pager.
  1. vignore - A powerful tool to visualize ignored files.
  1. vscli - A CLI/TUI making it easy to launch Visual Studio Code (vscode) projects.
  1. weechat - The extensible chat client
  1. wtf - The personal information dashboard for your terminal.
  1. wut - A CLI that explains the output of your last command.
  1. youplot - A command line tool that draw plots on the terminal.
  1. yr - Get the weather delivered to your command-line.
  1. zeitfetch - Instantaneous snapshots of system information.

Know any Other based terminal tools that would be good for this list?

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