Windows Terminal Tools

Introduced in 1985, Windows by Microsoft focuses on personal computing with its graphical user interface, pivotal in business, gaming, and everyday computing. It is the most popular OS in the world.


Today, its relevance persists with tools and enhanced graphics facilitating various professional tasks, making complex operations accessible, such as the Command Prompt (CMD.exe) and Powershell. 


Below is a list of terminal tools that work with Windows.

  1. age - A simple, modern and secure file encryption tool.
  1. aider - AI pair programming in your terminal
  1. amfora - A fancy terminal browser for the Gemini protocol.
  1. amp - A complete text editor for your terminal.
  1. asn - ASN lookup tool and traceroute server
  1. atac - A simple API client (postman like) in your terminal.
  1. bandwhich - Terminal bandwidth utilization tool
  1. bat - A cat(1) clone with wings.
  1. bbcli - A TUI for accessing BBC News in the terminal.
  1. bottom - Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
  1. broot - A new way to see and navigate directory trees.
  1. browsr - A pleasant file explorer in your terminal supporting all filesystems.
  1. btop - A terminal monitor of resources.
  1. buku - Personal mini-web in text
  1. byobu - Text-based window manager and terminal multiplexer
  1. carbon-now-cli - generate beautiful images of your code from right inside your terminal.
  1. chmod-cli - effortlessly generate chmod commands.
  1. cloc - Count lines of code in many programming languages
  1. cotp - trusted, encrypted, TOTP/HOTP authenticator with import functionality.
  1. crates-tui - A TUI for exploring
  1. csvlens - a csv viewer like less but made for csv.
  1. ctop - A top-like interface for container metrics
  1. curlie - The power of curl, the ease of use of httpie.
  1. delta - A viewer for git and diff output.
  1. difftastic - A structural diff that understands syntax
  1. dijo - scriptable, curses-based, digital habit tracker.
  1. dive - A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image.
  1. dns53 - Expose your EC2 quickly, easily and privately within a VPC.
  1. docfd - TUI multiline fuzzy document finder.
  1. dog - A command-line DNS client.
  1. doggo - A command-line DNS client for humans.
  1. dolphie - Realtime MySQL health monitoring in the terminal.
  1. dooit - A TUI todo manager for the terminal
  1. dua - View disk space usage and delete unwanted data, fast.
  1. duf - Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternative.
  1. dug - A global DNS propagation checker on your CLI
  1. dunk - Prettier git diffs in the terminal 🎨
  1. dust - A more intuitive version of du in rust
  1. eddy - Simple, fast CLI file encryption tool.
  1. eget - Easily install prebuilt binaries from GitHub.
  1. elia - A TUI ChatGPT client built with Textual
  1. emacs - The extensible, customizable, free/libre display editor.
  1. exa - The original modern replacement for ls
  1. eza - A modern replacement for ls
  1. fastfetch - Like neofetch, but much faster.
  1. fd - A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
  1. fnug - Run all your lints, tests and commands at once, in the terminal.
  1. fork-cleaner - A tool to clean up old and inactive forks on your GitHub account.
  1. frogmouth - A Markdown browser for your terminal
  1. fx - command-line tool and terminal JSON viewer.
  1. fzf - A command-line fuzzy finder
  1. gallery-dl - Download image galleries and collections from image hosting sites.
  1. gdb - The GNU Project Debugger
  1. gdu - Pretty fast disk usage analyzer
  1. gh-dash - An interactive GitHub Dashboard for your terminal.
  1. ghq - Remote repository management made easy.
  1. git-cc - a git extension to help write conventional commits
  1. git-split-diffs - Syntax highlighted side-by-side diffs in your terminal
  1. gitui - A blazing fast TUI for git written in rust
  1. glances - A cross platform top/htop alternative in Python
  1. glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz!
  1. goaccess - a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer.
  1. gocovsh - A shell for interacting with Go coverage profiles.
  1. gomuks - A terminal based Matrix client written in Go.
  1. goose - A database migration tool written in Go.
  1. gotop - A terminal-based graphical activity monitor written in Go.
  1. gping - Ping, but with a graph.
  1. gri - manage git/gerrit change requests in the terminal.
  1. gtt - A TUI for Google Translate, ChatGPT, DeepL and other AI services.
  1. hackernews-tui - A Terminal UI (TUI) to browse Hacker News.
  1. halp - A CLI tool to get help with CLI tools.
  1. harlequin - The SQL IDE for Your Terminal.
  1. havn - A fast configurable port scanner with reasonable defaults.
  1. helix - A post-modern text editor.
  1. hexabyte - A modern, modular, and robust TUI hex editor.
  1. hexyl - A rust based command-line hex viewer
  1. hledger - Fast, friendly, robust plain text accounting software
  1. humble-explorer - cross-platform, command-line Bluetooth Low Energy scanner.
  1. hurl - Run and test HTTP requests with plain text.
  1. jira-cli - Interact with Jira in the Terminal with Jira CLI.
  1. jless - A command-line JSON viewer.
  1. joshuto - ranger-like terminal file manager written in Rust.
  1. jqp - A command line tool for querying JSON
  1. jwt-ui - A CLI and TUI for decoding/encoding JSON Web Tokens.
  1. k9s - Kubernetes CLI and TUI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!
  1. kalker - A scientific terminal calculator with math syntax.
  1. kondo - Cleans node_modules, target, build, and friends from your projects.
  1. lazygit - Simple terminal UI for git commands.
  1. lf - A terminal file manager which "lists files".
  1. logshark - A CLI / TUI debugger for JSON logs.
  1. logss - A simple cli for logs splitting.
  1. lsd - lsdeluxe, the next gen ls command in Rust.
  1. lynx - A TUI based web browser
  1. mc - Midnight Commander, a feature-rich visual file manager for the terminal.
  1. micro - A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
  1. miller - an all in one swiss army knife for data processing.
  1. mitmproxy - A TLS/SSL-capable interception HTTP proxy.
  1. mop - stock market tracker for hackers.
  1. musikcube - A cross-platform terminal-based music player
  1. navi - An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command line.
  1. neofetch - A command-line system information tool.
  1. neovim - Hyperextensible Vim-based text editor
  1. netop - A network topology visualizer.
  1. nnn - The missing terminal file manager for X
  1. notox - No toxic names anymore.
  1. numbat - high precision scientific calculator with full support for physical units.
  1. nvitop - An interactive NVIDIA-GPU process viewer and beyond.
  1. oha - A tiny TUI program that sends some load to a web application.
  1. openapi-tui - Browse and run APIs defined with OpenAPI v3.0 in the TUI
  1. orbiton - A terminal-based text editor and a minimalistic IDE.
  1. ouch - Painless compression and decompression in the terminal
  1. ov - A feature rich terminal-based pager.
  1. pandoc - a universal markup converter.
  1. pastel - Generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors.
  1. planor - A TUI client for cloud services for aws, vultr, heroku, etc.
  1. portal - A quick and easy command-line file transfer utility.
  1. presenterm - A TUI markdown terminal slideshow tool.
  1. procmux - A terminal multiplexer for processes.
  1. procs - A modern replacement for ps written in Rust.
  1. pvw - A terminal-based (TUI) port viewer in Go
  1. pysentation - TUI for displaying Python presentations
  1. qsv - Blazing-fast CSV data-wrangling toolkit
  1. radare2 - unix-like reverse engineering framework and command-line toolset.
  1. ranger - A vim-inspired file manager for the console.
  1. rclone - rsync for cloud storage
  1. restic - Fast, secure, efficient backup program.
  1. ripgrep - A recursive directory search tool using regex patterns.
  1. rizin - open source reverse engineering tool based on radare2.
  1. rssnix - filesystem-based rss/atom/json feed fetcher and reader
  1. sc-im - An ncurses spreadsheet program for terminal
  1. sd - Intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative)
  1. silicon - create beautiful image of your source code.
  1. slack-term - A Slack client for your terminal.
  1. spotify-tui - Spotify for the terminal written in Rust
  1. sshs - Terminal user interface for SSH
  1. stree - A simple directory tree command for listing AWS S3 bucket
  1. sttr - A CLI/TUI tool to perform 30+ string transformations on text.
  1. stu - A TUI application for AWS S3 written in Rust.
  1. tailspin - A log file highlighter
  1. tealdeer - A very fast implementation of tldr in Rust.
  1. tempy - A simple TUI for displaying the current weather in the terminal
  1. termscp - A feature rich terminal file transfer tool.
  1. terraform-tui - A powerful terraform textual TUI.
  1. textql - Execute SQL against structured text like CSV or TSV
  1. textual-astview - A Textual-based Python AST viewing widget library and application
  1. tig - Text-mode interface for git
  1. tinboard - A terminal-based client for
  1. tiptop - Command-line system monitoring
  1. tokei - Count your code, quickly.
  1. topgrade - Upgrade all the things
  1. tproxy - A cli tool to proxy and analyze TCP connections.
  1. trippy - A TUI network diagnostics tool
  1. ttyper - A terminal-based typing test
  1. tuime - A colorful and customizable TUI clock written in Rust.
  1. twitch-tui - A Twitch chat TUI client for the terminal
  1. typespeed - Test your typing speed, and challenge your friends
  1. tz - A terminal based timezone helper
  1. updo - Uptime monitoring CLI tool with alerting and advanced settings.
  1. viddy - A modern watch command, time machine and pager.
  1. vim - The ubiquitous text editor
  1. visidata - A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data.
  1. vtop - Wow such top. So stats. More better than regular top
  1. yai - Your AI powered terminal assistant
  1. yazi - Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O.
  1. youplot - A command line tool that draw plots on the terminal.
  1. youtube-dl - Download videos from YouTube and other video sites.
  1. yt-dlp - A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes.
  1. zeit - A simple command-line tool to track your time
  1. zoxide - A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.
  1. zrok - a next-generation peer-to-peer sharing platform

Know any Windows based terminal tools that would be good for this list?

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